Time to celebrate and time to say goodbye…
Students often said that they feel like they are leaving home and family behind when
they have to leave TMC after completing school.
Some hold back tears when they have to depart not only the school but also friends they have cultivated during their learning.
Most if not all will say that they have found friends for life here at TMC.
They laugh with joy when they celebrate their graduation.
Then they bring with them all the sweetness and sadness of saying goodbye.
But all promise to remember and to come back to visit or to study more.
Every Friday TMC will arrange for graduation ceremony for students who complete the course they enrolled whether it’s only a 5 day course or even only a few students. The ceremony is important to all the same.
The teachers will stand in front to bid them goodbye. For long term program, the goodbye is hard and the hug last longer…
For our teachers though they see these events happen every Friday, they still miss their students just the same.
We let the photos of a few people here share their feeling with you. . .
We look forward to build more bridges to expand knowledge with true teachers.
Join us if you have in your heart the urge to give—to share with the world.
Thai Massage Demonstration at TMC School
A Day of Thai Massage Class at TMC School