TMC donates approximately 200,000 baht each year for education fund to support Disabled children and to the senior home in ChiangMai.
Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai (TMC) donates 310,000 Baht for supporting special children education and improving living condition of the special children and special person. (February 2019)
Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai (TMC) donates 159,833 Baht for supporting special children education and improving living condition of the special children and special person. (December2018)
Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai (TMC) donates 202,738 Baht for supporting special children education and improving living condition of the special children and special person. (December2017)
Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai (TMC) donates 564,995.54 Baht for supporting special children education and improving living condition of the special children and special person. (January 2015 – December 2016)
TMC, in cooperation with Dharma Yogananda Foundation donated 204,000 baht to special children education 19.05.15. As the Foundation ends its operation in May 2014, support for special children education shall be donated directly by TMC.
Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai (TMC) donates 100,000 Baht to Dharma Yogananda Foundation for special children education and to improve living condition of the disabled adults. (23 May 2014)
Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai (TMC) donates 100,000 Baht to Dharma Yogananda Foundation for special children education and to improve living condition of the disabled adults. (8-2-13)
Donation to DYF for special children education by TMC student. (8-2-13)
TMC donate 100,000 Baht from "Ancient Thai Massage Healing with Life Force" book sale proceeds to Dharma Yogananda Foundation (Formally SPF) for special children education (9-11-12)
TMC donate 100,000 Baht from "Ancient Thai Massage Healing with Life Force" book sale proceeds to Dharma Yogananda Foundation (Formally SPF) for special children education (10-9-12)
TMC with joint support with DYF donated special funding of 50,000 Baht to Juvenile Detention Facility for the remodeling of bathroom facility at the school building for the boys (2012).
TMC School Director granted the diplomas to the boys who completed Thai massage courses.
TMC donated books for the boys and girls to the Juvenile Detention Facility director and instructor.
From Special People Foundation's inception since 2006 until 2012, TMC as the major donor of SPF has financially supported the foundation for nearly 4 million baht and continue with donation on a monthly basis. TMC also provide skill training on Thai massage and offer therapeutic treatment for the disabled in cooperation with SPF program. SPF work for the special people are the following:
- Donation to Yogananda Foundation (Now Special People Foundation SPF) for the work with disabled people and disadvantage children. Building a center for disabled people at Chiang Dao, Chiang Mai.
- Computer classroom and on-going training program at Juveniles Detention Facility.
- Support funding on special occasions to senior homes.
- Supply to local hospital.
- Donation to temples.
- Donation to Sangha Metta Project for AIDS
- Blankets and personal items to both students and staff at JD facility.
- Books to various places.
- Education funds for disadvantage students and to TMC staff’s children.
- Massage training to the disabled members and their family members.
- Support funding and massage training to staff at Special Children Center, Sarapee, Chiang Mai.
- Healing for Special Children Baba Farid Center for Special Children Faridcot, Punjab, India 27 September - 1 October, 2010
- etc
- March - 20 October 2007 established self-reliance program for the disabled center at Wang Nua, Lampang.
- Built and set up a disabled center at Chiang Dao district, 78 klms north of Chiang Mai.ย 80 disabled members join the center activities. The Earth Bag projecthas been helping members to earn extra income and bring about joyful moment gathering .
Faridcot, Punjab, India : 27 September - 1 October, 2010 Thai Massage Healing for Special Children
TMC teacher trained the mother of this beautiful child to give gentle massage to reduce muscle tension. See the smile on the lovely face..
The donation from TMC and other individuals help providing tools and equipments for the disabled members.
TMC and GCT interns donated 353 blankets to keep all students both boys and girls warm during winter season.
GCT interns donated approved personal items to 353 students for daily use.
TMC through SPF (formerly Yogananda Foundation) donated 11 computers, setting up the classroom, provide equipment and funding for on-going training for students. Since March 2006.
Received by the Director General of the Department of Youth Observation and Protection August 2006.
Provide 17 sets of foot massage chairs and equipments for the students use in their practice and their working with the public. Sept 2005
4th July 2005-2006-2007
Massage for charity of 4th and 5th occasion at the American Consulate, Chiang Mai. The GCT interns and TMC staff offered Thai Foot and Chair Massage to the guest. For over all 5 years charity work, TMC staff and students raised over 50,000 Baht. All proceeds were donated to the benefit of disadvantage children and disabled people.
Summary of Tsunami helping hand at TMC
- Blood donation drive 29 December 2004: Receive over 60 units of blood from TMC students, staff and people of Chiang Mai.
- Raised fund during the blood drive 5,217 Baht and gave to Chiang Mai governors office for the relief program.
- TMC donated 20,000 Baht to matching fund for the relief program 14-1-05
- TMC donated 5 used computers to Krabi Province for the use of victims family to locate for their love ones at Krabi City Hall. After the service is dissolved, the computers were given to 5 local public schools in Krabi for classroom use.
Blood Donation Day: 29 December 2004
To express our love and to help the tsunami victims in the South of Thailand, a Blood Donation Day was held at TMC with cooperation of blood bank from Maharaj Hospital, Medical Center. Almost 70 donors join this event including 17 TMC students and 5 TMC teachers/staffs, we also pick up the tourists and local communities all around Chiang Mai. Besides, over 5000 Baht was raised during the day. All of the donation will give to the governor in Chiang Mai for the victims.
Gift of life time career: 10 June 2004
TMC and friends gave 15 professional Thai massage mattresses to the children at Juvenile Detention Facility to be used for their massage for guests to earn income at the facility and for training by TMC GCT interns.
Books for friends: 10 May 2004
TMC and friends gave over 300 new books to every student at the Juvenile Detention Facility. The children gave list of books they wish to read and allowed to keep them. The only condition with the gift was they must share books among friends. We hope each one would have the chance to read many books. The result was very positive. Several children read over 20 books so far (16 June 04) and no books were left unattended as the staff was expected to be. A group of the music minded kids join their music books and played together. We hope to do this project again next year. Any one wished to join, please contact TMC.
Pray to the teachers: 10 June 2004
The children at Juvenile Detention Facility prepared the bouquet of meaningful flowers and pray to the teachers on the teacher day. The sacred activity included both boys and girls. We join the ceremony on behalf of the teachers from TMC and GCT interns who taught them Thai Massage.