Thai Massage Demonstration at TMC School
A Day of Thai Massage Class at TMC School
Click here for accommodation
If you are in Chiang Mai whether enroll to TMC or looking for a school to go to for Thai massage courses, we invite you to visit the school.
The visiting hours are from 09.00 to 16.00. (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
You can print this page for direction to the taxi or print out the map page.
To get to TMC you need to hire a taxi – Tuk Tuk or the red pickup truck call “Song Teaw”
from the city to TMC. We are about 15 KM outside of the city. It is a new city in itself.
If you call in advance, we may be able to arrange for the school taxi pick you up from the pickup zone along with our students from 8 – 8.15 a.m. You will need to hire a ride back.
You can also go visit school in the afternoon and catch a ride back with students at 4 p.m.
You will get to see the school ground, the lecture room, inside classroom and observe silently for a few minutes, to view all text and workbooks for the courses, to sit and reflex what your goal in learning would be achieve at TMC. You may get to meet and talk with students during their break or lunch period.
Monday – Friday we have classes in Thai massage. During weekends classes may be about Foot, Chair, or Table massage. But you still get to sense how you would like to spend time study at TMC.
Direction to TMC from the city for TAXI: Print this page and show this to the driver
- or the printed Map.
ที่ไปจังหวัด ผ่านตลาดรวมโชค ไปกลับรถหน้าปั๊ม ปตท. ขับย้อนเลยร้านอาหารและหมู่บ้านสวนนทรี ข้ามลำน้ำแม่คาวชิดซ้าย เลี้ยวเข้าซอยตึกแถว 3 ชั้น ก่อนถึงเทสโก้โลตัสมีโชค ด้านหลังโรงเรียนติดแม่น้ำ เบอร์โทร 053-854330, 053-854331
TMC Address:
203/6 Mae Jo Road,
Faham, Chiang Mai 50000
Tel: 053-854330
Fax: 053-246203
Email tmcschoolweb@gmail.com
Outside Thailand
Tel: + 66-53-854330, +66-53-854331
Fax: + 66-53-246203Click here for Map
Tips to Make Living in Chiang Mai Easy
School Preparation Tips &
Place to Stay
Preparation for learning at TMC:
TMC provide practice clothe while in class at TMC. For field training, students will provide own outfit and should maintain politeness and practical for each purposes i.e. to give massage, to teacher massage class, to learn Thai Traditional Medicine, to the Botanic garden, sun glasses, walking shoes, rain jacket, umbrella. Outfit for going to-from school, please keep it polite. Shorts are all right as long as they are not too short. Try to avoid too expose tank top and very low cut top. We ask for the cooperation because TMC is a government accredited school and dress code is part of the school's policy. Before your depart, please check weather forecast to prepare your clothes.
For Classroom:
TMC provide textbook, workbook, manual for all classes and handouts for professors lecture classes. TMC has reference books in anatomy, pathology, physiology and related to massage education for you to read at school and to loan for home study. You only need to bring pen, notebook, and your personal study need such as dictionary.
TMC provide free WiFi service to students. You only need to bring your own laptop and can use them off classroom – during your break and lunch. We facilitate computer and printer for students to use during the break time, when available. Note: TMC cannot be responsible for any lost or damage to your computer for using this free service.
Smoking Policy:
Thai massage practice is closed contact. Smoking remains on hands, clothes and linen. Thus affect students and teachers in class. For everyone health and healthy school environment, TMC observes strict no smoking policy during school hour from 09.00-16.00.
Tip in getting around:
From the air port to your guest house or to TMC:
Take the airport taxi. They charge about 150 Baht per car to the city area. To TMC may be a bit higher because TMC is outside the city area about 300 Baht. Just give them the name and phone number of the place your wish to go. They will find out the exact address and take you there. The airport service is safe and inexpensive.
Getting around within the city, just flag the taxi which is the red pickup truck running around town and the fare is 20 Baht per short distance. You just tell the driver your destination. If it is farther than a simple stop, he may charge you more. For much farther or more remote and he will not have other passengers along, he may charge you a personal rate depending on where you are going may be from 60-80-100 Baht or more. It is best to ask someone to write your destination in English and Thai for you to show to the driver. You should carry this bilingual instruction of your hotel and the school in pocket, so you can get back and also carry the phone numbers.
Going to school each day is no trouble. TMC provide free transportation from your guest house with in pickup zone to-from school.
Tip in using telephone services:
If you have cell phone in your country, it may be useable in Thailand. You just buy a new sim card and top up card for air time. Make sure to check which type of card will work with your phone. Go to a large cell phone store and they can help you. The cost is about 100+ Baht for the sim and the air time. Be sure to keep school number and your guest house in your phone and give your phone number to the school for contact. In Thailand you only pay when call out no charge to receive the call. So, you can give your number to your family to call you. When calling out from your Thai cell phone or any public phone within Thailand you need to dial all numbers including 0 i.e. 053-854330 (TMC number) or 081-111-2001 (Cell phone of TMC). Call from outside to Thailand, will have to begin with 66+ all numbers except 0 i.e. 66-53-854330, 66-53-854331 or 66-81-111-2001.
Try not to use your number from your country to call in Thailand. It is very expensive and we cannot call you back to that number. When calling from Thailand, there are many service providers with competitive fees. You may ask your Thai phone service provider which service is least expensive to call to your destination countries. The prefix may be 004, 006, 007, 008 and 009. They have promotion at various times. Check first then use that prefix to call it will save you a lot of calling fee. Use 001 as the last resource of when the low cost access does not available for your country. It is the most expensive one to use to call outside of Thailand.
It is best to change to Thai sim card. Even your phone does not work then buy the cheapest new cell phone less than 1,000 Baht comes with the sim and air time. When buying the phone, you will need to present your passport I.D. The cost of calling from cell phone is a flat rate. Check with your phone dealer.
Tip for health and personal safety:
We highly recommend that you obtain Traveling Medical Insurance from your country before departing. The insurance will help you in time of accident and medical need.
Thailand is conscious about health and welfare of all people.
TMC school is taking the preventive step seriously. We have a bathroom in each classroom with proper cleaning facility. We request teachers and students to maintain their cleanliness as well as the extra precaution of using alcohol for their hands before and after giving and receiving massage. We also have policy that has been in place for all along that no sick staff or students may be at the school. They are to seek care from the medical professionals. Check with your doctor if you have health limitation. You should bring and prepare your medicine and/or vitamins enough for your trip duration. For personal items i.e. toilette items are easily found in many varieties. Laundry service, should seek outside hotel. You can find along the road shop for 3-5 Baht per piece. You can also use laundry machine service.
Personal safety in Chiang Mai is like in other part of the world. A few bad people make us be aware, alert and careful. So, practice caution and safety concern. Obtain only legitimate agent or organization for services, i.e. tour, shipping goods. Do not deal in illegal drugs. The punishment is severe. When you are in doubt and need help, contact the school for help, for emergency contact the police.
Emergency number is 191 from any phone. Beware of language difficulty. But call. They can try to get a translator to help you also at the police stations do have translators.
If you are involved in car or motorcycle accident, you must go to the hospital. All vehicles have personal liability insurance to take care of medical cost. If you rent a car, they have insurance. You must ware helmet riding a motorcycle. You must ware seat belt riding a car in the front seat. You should also have international driver license to operate vehicle.
Anything that happens be sure to contact police right away 191. When you get sick and need urgent help, you can call 191 or the hospital in your area.
In Chiang Mai, we recommend that you call Chiang Mai Ram Hospital at 053-920300 or 191 to take you to the nearest one for emergency. If non- life threatening, then try to contact Chiang Mai Ram Hospital. They will send a hospital van to bring you in and return at no charge (if available). The hospital service fee is much less than in the western countries but the service is equal. So, seek help when you need them and do let the school know. The hospital will work with your insurance firm for you if that is possible.
Chiang Mai Public transportation to TMC
Thai Massage Demonstration at TMC School
A Day of Thai Massage Class at TMC School