To earn the award, the school must meet six qualification categories set by the Ministry of Education. The selection of the best school each year, must go through inspection of the document submitted, school inspection, onsite interview by three levels of three different departments: District level, Regional level and finally National level. The finalist will be submitted to receive the award from His Majesty the King.
The 6 categories are:
- Students Qualification:
Students must maintain professionalism, integrity and nobility.
Students are determination to achieve high standard of learning.
Students are able to perform and apply their learning.
Students respect and adapt Thai culture in their learning and life style.
Students are responsible and work with community.
Students are environmental conscious.
- Curriculum and Educational Management:
The school strives to maintain the high quality of curriculum.
The school continues to improve the curriculum to meet the need in learning and in the dynamic world be benefiting the students, the school and the society as a whole.
The school to maintain and improve the need of learning evaluation process to suit the curriculum and the learning process.
The school continues to expand the scope of learning to the community and to the world to upkeep with the changing world.
- Administration and Management:
The school maintains and develops the data information system to provide accurate and confidential access to students' record keeping.
The school continues to improve the data base system.
The school provides information in regard to the school to the public.
The school maintains lay out plan both short and long term to insure stability and high quality of learning.
The school maintains personnel development and improvement on going
plan to assure teaching and living quality for all staff.
The school maintains evaluation to improve and make adjustment for better result.
- Relationship to Community:
The school shares the knowledge with the community in term of training without charge.
Students, under the school program, offer massage services to the senior and the disabled to improve their health.
The school maintains the Thai culture to preserve the Thai heritage.
The school applies the environmental awareness at the school system.
- Personnel and Personnel Management:
The management works with the community in helping where there are needs.
The management supports the continuing education of the staff.
The management provides full support to personnel in term of health care
and benefits.
The management provides on going training in house to improve quality of teaching.
- The School Quality:
The school has achieved wildly acceptance in the trade.
The school is known and has been working with international communities.
The school is dedicated to serve the Thai communities selflessly.
The students from the school achieve successful result in their career
The school receives more than satisfactions evaluation from the students.
TMC school is highly honored and most appreciative to receive this award.
The life time achievement is from the quality of our students, staff, management and the dedicated work of all combined.